General Information:
The digital archive Leonardo da Vinci & his treatise on painting is a scholarly project at the University of Virginia created by Professor Francesca Fiorani of the McIntire Department of Art in partnership with the Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities. The site is housed at the University of Virginia.
The site contains rare original materials (manuscripts, images, and documents), transcriptions, scholarly content, essays, and more. The site has been created to enable public access to these materials in support of teaching, research, and scholarship. Redistribution of site content is not authorized. Links to this site are encouraged and should acknowledge:
Leonardo da Vinci and His Treatise on Painting, © 2012 Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia; Author Francesca Fiorani.
Rights Information:
- Images: Digital images of manuscripts and volumes were graciously contributed by participating cultural institutions and individual collectors. A complete list of Contributing Institutions is found on the front page of this site. Reproduction and usage rights remain with those institutions or individuals. Details and contact information for reproduction requests are included in the "home page" of each manuscript and printed edition. The University is not authorized to provide copies of these images.
- Texts: Unattributed essays, captions and notes in this archive are the work of Francesca Fiorani, and are ©2012 Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. The authors and/or copyright holders of other essays and articles are identified with their contributions.
- Transcriptions: The transcriptions posted to this site were created directly for this project from the digitized images.
GENERAL INQUIRIES: leonardo-info@virginia.edu