Printed Edition



A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci
Senex and Taylor, London


LDE T0166   CID81  The Colour of a Reflex composed of the Colour of the Body whence it proceeds, and of that on which falls

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It seldom happens that a Reflex is either of the Colour of the Body whence it proceeds, or of the Colour of that upon which it falls; these two Colours usually mingling themselves together, and out of the mixture forming a third. For Instance, suppose the Spherical Body D F G E, be of a Yellow Colour, [Tab. 1. Fig. 8.] the Object B C of a Blue one, and let H be the Point where a Reflex sent from C B, strikes upon D F G E: The Point H in this case will become Green, when illumined by the Light of the Sun diffused in the Air.