A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci
Senex and Taylor, London
Chapter Display | |
Things that are near, and that are represented in the front of a Painting, must appear more distinct and finished than those supposed to be seen at a distance.
Take Care that the Colours of your Figures be so matched, as that they may give a Grace to each other, and when you make any; one serve as a Ground to another, let it be done in such a manner, as that they may not appear joyn'd or fasten'd together, even though they be both of the same kind; but observing to make their Teinte or Lustre stronger or weaker, in proportion to the Distance, and to the grossness of the Air, interposed between them: and by the same Rule, proportioning their Contours; making them more or less bold and distinct as the Figures are nearer, or farther removed.