A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci
Senex and Taylor, London
Illustrations: ![]() | Chapter Display ![]() |
In representing Objects after their natural bigness, it must be observed that the front Figures in Pieces of Miniature, be equally finish'd and distinct, with the larger Ones in Painting: But then the Figures in Miniature, being small, must be viewed very near, and those of Painting at a much greater Distance; by which means, how different soever they may be in their real Dimensions, they ought to appear of the same bigness; The Eye, in that Case, viewing them, under equal Angles, as may be thus demonstrated: Let B C be a Painting, [Tab. 1. Fig. 4.] A the Eye, and D E a Glass through which the Species of B C pass to the Eye; I say that the Eye A remaining fix'd, the Image of the Painting B C, thrown upon the Glass D E, will be smaller than the Painting, in proportion as the Glass is nearer to the Eye, and will be equally finish'd and distinct with the Painting it self; because it perfectly represents the Painting at that distance: But if you wou'd make a Copy of B C upon D E; in that Case, the Painting, by reason of its Distance, appearing indistinct, the Figure you make from it, must not be equally finished and distinct with the Painting; tho', at the same time it must be more distinct than another Figure M N, made upon the Glass F G: For if the Figure P O, were as much finished as B C, the Perspective of the former wou'd be false; since, tho' with regard to the Diminution of the Figure, it wou'd be right, B C, being reduced to the Extent P O, yet wou'd it be too much finished for its Distance: So that by finishing P O, as much as B C, B C will appear at the nearness of P O, and by diminishing B C to the Compass P O, P O, will appear at the distance B C.