A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci
Senex and Taylor, London
Chapter Display ![]() |
To make a Figure in Marble, in the first place, form a Model of it in Clay; and when that is finished and dry, place it in a Coffin, large enough to contain the Block of Marble, whereon you intend to work. This Coffin having its sides perforated in several places, you must provide little White Rods, such as will enter precisely within those Perforations; push these through the several Holes, till they come to touch the several parts of the Model, opposite to them; and distinguish so much of the Rods, as remains without the Coffin, with Black, giving each Rod and its respective Hole, some particular mark that you may be enabled, on occasion, to match them again: This done, take your Clay Model out of its Coffin, and bestow the Block of Marble in its place, striking so much off it, and bringing it so far down, till such time as all your Rods enter through their Holes, to their former depth, and hide their White parts within the Coffin: In order to do which with the more conveniency, let your Coffin be so contrived, as that it may be drawn up, and suspended; the Bottom all the while remaining firm under the Marble; thus your Tools will be the more manageable, and you may cut off as much as you please, with ease and expedition.