Printed Edition



A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci
Senex and Taylor, London


LDE T0377   CID241  Decency and Decorum to be observed in your figures

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Observe a Decorum, or Decency, in your Figures; still making their Actions, Dress, Behaviour, Postures, &c. suitable, and becoming to the Dignity, or Meanness of the Persons represented. Thus, in the Figure of a King, take care that the Beard, the Air of the Face, and the Garb, be Grave and Majestick; the Place stately and well adorned; let his Attendants appear full of Reverence, and Admiration; their Mien noble, and their Dress suitable to the Grandeur and Magnificence of a Princes Court: On the other Hand, in a Scene of Low-Life, let the Persons appear mean and ill dress'd; let the Behaviour of those about them be rude, and familiar; and let every Member be strictly conformable both to the Subject in General, and to the Character of each respective Figure in particular; and remember even there to make the Actions of Old Men, unlike those of young Ones; those of Women, different from those of Men; and those of Children, different both from the one and the other.