


Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emmanuele III
, Datable to the 17th century

70 un-numbered chapters with headings,  26 illustrations
No Table of Contents

Regole della pittura e modo di dipingere prospettive, ombre, lontanze, altezze, bassezze, d'appresso e discosto e altro

Roman provenance, from the library of Cassiano dal Pozzo

This manuscript is a copy of M4 and it was made in the library of Cassiano dal Pozzo as part of the research for the printed edition of Leonardo's Treatise on painting.

See detailed description and analysis GO

This manuscript contains the additional materials that were gathered in the library of Cassiano dal Pozzo in preparation for the first printed edition of Leonardo's Treatise on paining. These materials were copied from Leonardo's original manuscripts by Galeazzo Arconati in Milan. They pertain to perspective (from Leonardo's MS A), light and shade (from Leonardo's MS C), hydraulics and machines ((from Leonardo's Codex atlanticus).
Physical Description
Fols. 232, 31 x 22 cm , fol. 1 "Copia di capitoli diversi di Lionardo da Vinci circa le Regole della pittura e modo di dipingere prospettive, ombre, lontanze, altezze, bassezze, d'appresso e discosto e altro. L'originale de quali dal signor Galeazzo Arconato e' stato donato alla libreria Ambrosiana e dall'istesso e' stata inviata all'Eminentissimo Cardinale Francesco Barberino. Sono li sudetti capitoli di piu' di quelli che nell'opera ordinaria de precetti della pittura si vedono"; fols. 2-19 Added chapters from Leonardo's MS A; fol2 21-74 "Ombre e lumi (Added chapters from Leonardo's MS C); fols. 75-76 blank; fols. 77-97 illustrations for Added chapters from Leonardo's MS C; fols. 98-100 blank; fols. 101-146v Added chapters on machines; 147-148 blank; fols. 149-230 Added chapters on hydraulics; fols. 232-232 blank.
Steinitz, Treatise on Painting, 1958, p. 107 (D, 3); Sparti, “Cassiano dal Pozzo, Poussin, and the Making and Publication of Leonardo’s Trattato,” Journal of the Courtauld and the Warburg Institutes 66 (2003): pp. 143-188; Leonardo da Vinci, Il Codice Corazza, Alfredo Buccaro, ed (Naples: CB Edizioni, 2011).
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