


Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana
MS Ricc. 2191, Datable to the late 16th century

397 numbered chapters without headings,  51 illustrations
Table of Content

No Title

Possible Florentine provenance as a copy of FM2

This manuscript is a 16th century copy of the manuscript FM2 owend by Niccolo Gaddi (1537-1591).

See detailed description and analysis GO

F3 is a 16th century copy of FM2, one of the earliest abridged copies of Leonardo's Treatise on painting that was kept in the Gaddi library in Florence. The textual and visual comparison shows that FM2 was the source of F3 as the two manuscripts present very similar text and illustrations. The only significant difference between F3 and FM2 pertains to the numbering of chapters, but their content is identical: the copist of F3 divided longer chapters of FM2 into shorter chapters (see T1038) and as a consequence, FM2 has 377 chapters while F3 has 397.
The early history of F3 is unknown.
Physical Description
[3] + fols.1-68 + [69] + fols. 70-78 +[3] (Modern pagination), 23.3 x 31.4 cm , in quarto, large format; fols. 1-66v Leonardo's Treatise on painting; fols. 70-78 Table of Contents (un-numbered chapters with headings)
8 chain lines, watermark type Briquet 527, Documented in Verona in 1558
Pedretti, Commentary to the Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci by Jean Paul Richter, 1977, p. 23, no. 3; Kristeller, Iter italicum, vol. I, p. 181; Sconza, La réception du Libro di pittura de Léonard de Vinci: de la mort de l’auteur à la publication du Trattato della pittura (Paris 1651). Ph.D. Diss. Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle Paris III and Università degli Studi di Macerata, 2007;
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