International Workshop
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, 10-11 October 2005

Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
Carl H. and Martha S. Lindner Center for Art History
The Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Workshop Agenda

Monday, October 10, 2005
Harrison Institute/Small Special Collections Library
Seminar Room (2nd floor)



Opening Remarks Bernard Frischer, Director, IATH; Lawrence O. Goedde, Chair, Art Department; Francesca Fiorani, University of Virginia


Carlo Vecce, University of Macerata Notes on the Libro di Pittura: Philological  and Linguistic Issues of the Codex Urbinas 1270


Coffee Break


Anna Sconza, University of Paris “La Sorbonne”
The Comparison between the Codex Urbinas 1270 and the Treatise on Painting: Notes to Identify the Copyist of the Abridged Version


Claire Farago, University of Colorado, Boulder
Who Abridged Leonardo's Book on Painting?


Lunch Break


Pauline Maguire, Washington, D.C.
Cassiano dal Pozzo's Trattato della Pittura Publication Project and its Legacy in French Academic Thought


Juliana Barone, St. John’s College, Oxford
A Chaos of Intelligence? New Evidence of Seventeenth-century Editorial Procedures and Responses to Leonardo’s Trattato


Victoria Steele, Head, Special Collection, UCLA
Cristina Favretto
, Librarian, Rare Books, UCLA
An Overview of the Holdings of the Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana


Francesca Fiorani, University of Virginia
Why Create a Digital Archive of Leonardo’s Treatise on Painting?

17.00  Refreshments

Tuesdays events not open to the public

  For more information contact: IATH  

Published by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, Copyright © 2004
by Francesca Fiorani
and the University of Virginia